Our Easter Egg Hunt will be held at a new venue this year that will allow us to host the event indoors!
1) Pre-registrations are REQUIRED. There will be no on-site last-minute registrations!
2) SIGN-IN WILL BEGIN AT 10:30 PM. Please come to the Hamlin Rec registration table to sign in. We ask that only one parent/guardian from each household come to the table at a time.
4) Only children will be allowed on the court once the hunt has begun. Children must be able to pick up eggs on their own without parental assistance.
5) The event is split by age group. Please note the start time for your child's corresponding age group.
6) Once the eggs have been collected, you will need to open them, and claim your prizes. Larger prizes will be represented with coupons inside the eggs. There will be empty bins in various locations for returning the opened plastic eggs.