Town of Hamlin Recreation Department
Register Now

Baseball Minors

This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.

Any registration received after the deadline will be placed on a waiting list and accepted only if a team needs additional players. Age groups 7 and up must submit birth certificate to the Recreation office.  Don't forget uniform size when registering!

Games will be played on Tuesdays and some Saturdays, while Thursdays will be held for home practice games until the end of the school year. This will make it less stressful in the early part of the season when the weather often doesn't play along with our practice schedules and will enable the team to practice more in general during the length of the season.

Once registration deadlines are over your coach will contact you and you will be informed of exact start date/time.

Special request for players/coaches will be accepted but not guaranteed. Put request in "Comments/Notes".

**As always, we are seeking coaches for all age levels!  Number of teams playing are dependant on number of registrations and coach availability.  Anyone interested in coaching must submit a Volunteer form. 

Playing Days (official game schedules/times available when teams are formed!) - All practice sessions and games begin at approximately 5:00pm or later

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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